SNOG: aya b2b k means - All Night

21st of April 2023


The head-to-head of the century. A never-before-witnessed, all night b2b of chaos magick rave revelry from two of our absolute favourite Dance Music heavyweights: aya and k means. For the already initiated, this is a pair that really needs no introduction, but for the uninitiated we’re giving them one anyway.

Co-runner of YCO and self-proclaimed First Lady of the Bootleg, aya is Huddersfield-via-Manchester-to-London’s most maleficent collector of UK urban cultural centres. She descends upon us cackling, following a recent performance at Berlin’s most famous toilet (not the Goblin fella, the other one). Terrifyingly, one of the survivors of the set reached out to us claiming to have overheard her hopes to “disfigure Strange Brew on April 21st”, “murk the wurzels”, “make turbo island great again”, and reduce Bristol to just another trophy in her cabinet.

Meanwhile, sweetest selector and genuine hero k means selflessly puts down her Mouth Watering Chilli Daddy to defend our dear corner of Avon, equipped with her weapons of great reknowne: seismic selection skills, love for her people (all of humankind) and a deepe, esoteric musical understanding of The Chug. Forged in the fiery furnaces of PTS & Rinse FM, k means has now become one with ___. "Hearken, Mye music doth transporte listeners to far-off londes with its creatif and refresshing blende of timestretched beates and rhytmys.. Fear not, for I haveth came to smash it, get the ravers skanking, and spread the love and good vibes across the land!"

Both aya and k means are each forces to be reckoned with; combined, their DJ powers know no bounds. Get ready for an incredibly special Brew backroom affair that we’re truly honoured to host.

Poster by @sabrinakaune.indd

© snog 2022
